Evan X. Merz

musician/technologist/human being

Recording In-Game Audio in Unity

Recently I began doing a second pass on my synthesizers in the Google Play store. I think the core of each of those synths is pretty solid, but they are still missing some key features. For example, if you want to record a performance, you must record the output of the headphone jack.

So I just finished writing a class that renders a Unity audio stream to a wave file, and I wanted to share it here.

The class is called AudioRenderer. It’s a MonoBehaviour that uses the OnAudioFilterRead method to write chunks of data to a stream. When the performance ends, the Save method is used to save to a canonical wav file.

The full AudioRenderer class is pasted here. As written it will only work on 16bit/44kHz audio streams, but it should be easily adaptable.

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.IO;

public class AudioRenderer : MonoBehaviour
    #region Fields, Properties, and Inner Classes
    // constants for the wave file header
    private const int HEADER_SIZE = 44;
    private const short BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 16;
    private const int SAMPLE_RATE = 44100;

    // the number of audio channels in the output file
    private int channels = 2;

    // the audio stream instance
    private MemoryStream outputStream;
    private BinaryWriter outputWriter;

    // should this object be rendering to the output stream?
    public bool Rendering = false;

    /// The status of a render
    public enum Status

    /// The result of a render.
    public class Result
        public Status State;
        public string Message;

        public Result(Status newState = Status.UNKNOWN, string newMessage = "")
            this.State = newState;
            this.Message = newMessage;

    public AudioRenderer()

    // reset the renderer
    public void Clear()
        this.outputStream = new MemoryStream();
        this.outputWriter = new BinaryWriter(outputStream);

    /// Write a chunk of data to the output stream.
    public void Write(float[] audioData)
        // Convert numeric audio data to bytes
        for (int i = 0; i < audioData.Length; i++)
            // write the short to the stream
            this.outputWriter.Write((short)(audioData[i] * (float)Int16.MaxValue));

    // write the incoming audio to the output string
    void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels)
        if( this.Rendering )
            // store the number of channels we are rendering
            this.channels = channels;

            // store the data stream

    #region File I/O
    public AudioRenderer.Result Save(string filename)
        Result result = new AudioRenderer.Result();

        if (outputStream.Length > 0)
            // add a header to the file so we can send it to the SoundPlayer

            // if a filename was passed in
            if (filename.Length > 0)
                // Save to a file. Print a warning if overwriting a file.
                if (File.Exists(filename))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Overwriting " + filename + "...");

                // reset the stream pointer to the beginning of the stream
                outputStream.Position = 0;

                // write the stream to a file
                FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(filename);



                // for debugging only
                Debug.Log("Finished saving to " + filename + ".");

            result.State = Status.SUCCESS;
            Debug.LogWarning("There is no audio data to save!");

            result.State = Status.FAIL;
            result.Message = "There is no audio data to save!";

        return result;

    /// This generates a simple header for a canonical wave file, 
    /// which is the simplest practical audio file format. It
    /// writes the header and the audio file to a new stream, then
    /// moves the reference to that stream.
    /// See this page for details on canonical wave files: 
    /// http://www.lightlink.com/tjweber/StripWav/Canon.html
    private void AddHeader()
        // reset the output stream
        outputStream.Position = 0;

        // calculate the number of samples in the data chunk
        long numberOfSamples = outputStream.Length / (BITS_PER_SAMPLE / 8);

        // create a new MemoryStream that will have both the audio data AND the header
        MemoryStream newOutputStream = new MemoryStream();
        BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(newOutputStream);

        writer.Write(0x46464952); // "RIFF" in ASCII

        // write the number of bytes in the entire file
        writer.Write((int)(HEADER_SIZE + (numberOfSamples * BITS_PER_SAMPLE * channels / 8)) - 8);

        writer.Write(0x45564157); // "WAVE" in ASCII
        writer.Write(0x20746d66); // "fmt " in ASCII

        // write the format tag. 1 = PCM

        // write the number of channels.

        // write the sample rate. 44100 in this case. The number of audio samples per second

        writer.Write(SAMPLE_RATE * channels * (BITS_PER_SAMPLE / 8));
        writer.Write((short)(channels * (BITS_PER_SAMPLE / 8)));

        // 16 bits per sample

        // "data" in ASCII. Start the data chunk.

        // write the number of bytes in the data portion
        writer.Write((int)(numberOfSamples * BITS_PER_SAMPLE * channels / 8));

        // copy over the actual audio data

        // move the reference to the new stream
        this.outputStream = newOutputStream;
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Evan X. Merz

Evan X. Merz holds degrees in computer science and music from The University of Rochester, Northern Illinois University, and University of California at Santa Cruz. He works as a programmer at a tech company in Silicon Valley. In his free time, he is a programmer, musician, and author. He makes his online home at evanxmerz.com and he only writes about himself in third person in this stupid blurb.