Evan X. Merz

musician / technologist / human being

To the Towers and the Satellites

Here's a video of a recent performance of one of my pieces called To the Towers and the Satellites. Music composed by Evan X. Merz. Sculpture and Stage by Sudhu Tewari. Movement by Nuria Bowart and Shira Yaziv.

The World in 3D

When I saw J. Dearden Holmes' 3D pictures from the 1920s presented as animated gifs, I was struck by the incongruity between the images and their presentation. These were photographs shot in the 1920s that were meant to be viewed on a stereoscope. Yet they were being presented online as animated gifs, a format that didn't come into existence until the 1990s. This incongruity inspired me to write incongruous music. So I embedded multiple incongruities in the music: incongruities between the music and itself, as well as incongruities between the music and the images.

Search by Image at Currents 2012

Search by Image is being played at Currents Sante Fe this month.

Letting it Go to Voicemail

A multimedia piece generated by pushing the same buffer to both the speakers and the screen (as a line drawing). The live generative version is slightly better than the YouTube render below.

Cannot Connect

"Cannot Connect" is a problem for both computers and for people. When dealing with technology, we receive this message when we try to use something new. For people, this can be a problem in every sort of relationship.

The keyboard is a tool that people use every day to try to connect with other people. Through blogs, tweets, prose and poetry, we try to engage other humans through our work at the keyboard.

In this piece, the performer attempts to connect to both the computer and the audience through the keyboard. The software presents a randomized electronic instrument each time it is started. It selects from a palette of samples, synthesizers and signal processing effects. The performer must feel out the new performance environment and use it to connect to the audience by typing free association verse.

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