Evan X. Merz

musician / technologist / human being

Tagged "blog"

Goodbye Gatsby! Hello Eleventy!

For the last few years, I had been running this blog using Gatsby. In general, I liked Gatsby. I liked that it was so simple up front, but had such deep complexity under the hood. I liked that it supported React out of the box. I liked that it could generate websites in so many different ways.

I liked it enough that I made my own minimalist blog starter called Empress, which was a fully featured blog based on the tutorial but with several key features added. I used that for this blog for several years and I liked it.

But man, the leadership of Gatsby was bad. They took it in such weird directions. They tried and failed at so many weird features that the documentation, and the product itself just became a dumping ground.

It really went off the rails when they created Gatsby "themes" that had nothing to do with the colloquial use of "themes". Themes were really more like plugins, but they were already using that term, too. So it was a hot mess, and soon enough the feature seemed to disappear from the docs and from existence.

Then they were bought by Next. I still don't understand that acquisition. Next.js is a good product with sensible leadership. I liked using it at my prior job, and I considered using it for this site, but it was just overkill.

So when I could no longer navigate the crazy web of dependencies to upgrade my blog to the latest version of Gatsby, I essentially stopped writing. I was just so frustrated with it.

Until this weekend, when I decided it was time to change.

Hello, Eleventy!

I decided to switch to Eleventy mostly because it's the static site generator with the most hype right now. Sometimes it's good to try the tech that is currently being hyped. It's good to stay up to date and have that line on your resume.

But also, Eleventy is a good product. I planned on spending a few weekends getting my blog switched over, but it only took me a few hours on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to get it 95% switched over. There are still a few minor bugs here and there - don't check the title tags on tag pages, and ignore the reverse chronological sorting in some places - but in general the switch was very easy.

I've been around web programming since the 1990s, and Eleventy feels like a return to an older way of working, but with some of the good infrastructural tech we picked up along the way. Like now I'm writing in markdown, and I don't need to run MySQL on my server, nor do I even need to run a traditional "server". I can just host my static site on S3, and use GitHub Actions to deploy it, just like with Gatsby.

And I've heard some of the blowback against Jamstack architecture sites in the last few years. It's why I briefly considered using Next for this. But I still think JavaScript + API is the best/fastest/cleanest way to run a website, whether it's a blog or something more complex. I don't have an API for this site, but I feel like I could attach one without too much trouble if the need arose.

I do wish that I could use React. I saw some people try to get Eleventy working with React experimentally, but I didn't see any updated package to do it. Nunjuks and markdown are okay for the basics, but I do think that a true component-based architecture is ultimately a cleaner way to build UIs than a template based architecture.

Until next time...

So I'm going to give Eleventy a shot for now.

But we all know that those of us who still quixotically maintain personal blogs in 2024 are on a perpetual upgrade cycle. We all know that no "upgrade" is the final upgrade.

I wonder what I'll "upgrade" to in a few years? Maybe Wordpress will come back around?