Evan X. Merz

musician / technologist / human being

Office Problems #80 – Stealing Breast Milk

I really enjoyed working with Brandon Buczek on the score for the newest episode of Office Problems.

Creativity in Algorithmic Music

Published in Hz Journal #18.

In this essay I am going to review the topic of creativity in algorithmic music [1], focusing on three perspectives on creativity offered by three groups of composers. The first section will review the definition of creativity offered by computational psychologist Margaret Boden. The second section will examine one possible measure of creativity. The next section will look at three different composers, their attitudes toward creativity and the way their algorithms embody those attitudes. Finally, I will critically examine the core questions that are being asked by algorithmic composers.

Creativity in Algorithmic Music3.

Machine Song 1 at CSUF New Music Festival

Shortly, Machine Song 1 will be performed at the CSUF New Music Festival 2013.

Mailbox and A Handwritten Letter to the World Wide Web at Cyborgs Post Human Culture show in Kamloops, BC

Shortly, two of my pieces will be performed at Cyborgs Posthuman Culture Show in Kamloops, BC.

Buy Transient on Bandcamp

I'm so pleased to announce the release of a new album of experimental electronic music called Transient.

Transient is a set of music that I wrote in the summer I moved from Chicago to San Jose. At the time, I was experimenting with custom algorithmic audio slicing and glitching software, and you can hear this on many of the tracks.

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